The medallion uses an information field that sends the brain a signal that it doesn’t need sugar, and that it can live without sugar. The brain takes this information and from this, you get rid of your sugar cravings.
When you use the medallion close to your body (on your neck or in your pocket), you will improve and accelerate the results to get rid of sugar addiction. After one or two weeks you should control the desire, the average time is 3 weeks.
If you want to lose weight, it takes longer to see results, about 12 weeks.
After few days, you should see better bowel movements and healthy gut flora.
Are you one who also wants to shed a few pounds? The medallion reduces your internal sugar cravings, so there is a very good chance you can lose weight in a healthy and easy way, you just have to carry it with you. 75% of users experience weight loss after wearing it. You should not expect miracles and hope to lose 10 kilograms every month, but step by step, little by little you will lose weight.

How SUGAR affects our body?
It affects the Weight
More sugar equals more calories without any nutritional value. It’s a simple idea, and the reason a high-sugar diet causes weight gain. When sugary foods make up a large portion of your diet, your body receives more calories than it needs. Those sugary foods make less room in your diet for healthy foods that provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly.
The Sugar Addiction
Sugary foods make you feel good. They taste great. Sugar makes you feel less stressed. One taste makes you want more. Why? The cells in the brain need sugar to function, but the sugar also seems like a reward to the brain with the triggered production of dopamine. Brain scans taken while eating sugary foods show that the same area of the brain stimulated by alcohol consumption lights up with sugar consumption. This causes you to want more of the sugary goodness. The more sugar you eat, the more you reinforce that reward cycle, making it difficult to kick the sugar habit.
Liver overload
When you consume sugar, your liver takes the brunt of the sugary influx. If you eat excessive amounts, the sugar can overload the liver. As the sugar breaks down in the liver, it turns into glucose and fructose. In small quantities and in natural forms, such as the sugar in fresh fruit, a healthy liver is easily able to turn the fructose into glycogen, which is then stored until the body needs it. Everything runs smoothly. Things get a little bumpy when the liver becomes full of glycogen due to excessive refined sugar consumption. When you eat too much sugar, the fructose levels build up, and the liver eventually turns them to fat. That fat can get stuck in the liver, which causes non-alcoholic fatty liver.
Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes
Excessive sugar consumption may be linked to insulin resistance, one of the beginning steps in a number of health issues, including metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Insulin is necessary for glucose to enter cells, but over time, the cells can become resistant to the effects of insulin. When insulin resistance begins, the pancreas tries to compensate by making even more insulin to control blood sugar levels.
The Effects on the Mind
Sugar does more to your brain that just fostering an addiction to the sweet ingredient. Eating large amounts of sugar can affect the brain’s pathways, potentially decreasing the ability to store new information. Sugar can interfere with communication between nerve cells, potentially altering your mood, memory, and processing of information. It can feel as if you are in a fog when it messes with your processing. High-sugar diets may also increase the risk of depression by 58 percent.
Sugar affects cognition in children. Let’s not forget about our little ones! When New York City public schools reduced the amount of sugar in their lunches and breakfasts, their academic ranking increased 15.7% (previously, the greatest improvement ever seen had been 1.7%).11 The study also eliminated artificial colors, synthetic flavoring, and two preservatives, showing the importance of natural ingredients for children.
You know saturated fats are bad for your heart, but sugar can also have a damaging effect on your cardiac health. A high intake of added sugars seems to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease mortality. One study that took place over 15 years indicated that people who consume 25 percent or more calories from sugar were more than twice as likely as those who consumed less than 10 percent of calories from sugar to die from heart disease.
Sugar starts wreaking havoc on your body as soon as you put it in your mouth. The sugar provides energy for the bad bacteria in your mouth, increasing the risk of cavities. The acid produced by bad bacteria can cause tooth decay and cavities. That means extra trips to the dentist for treatments that you won’t particularly enjoy. Sugar isn’t the only cause of cavities, though.
Inflammation Throughout the Body
Sugar can cause inflammation throughout the body, which can lead to other health issues. Individuals with arthritis in particular may experience increased inflammation with highly processed sugar consumption, leading to increased pain.
Premature aging
The inflammation can also affect the collagen and elastin that keeps your skin looking young and supple. It causes cross-links to form in amino acids near the skin, which interferes with the natural repair process. This could increase the appearance of premature aging in the skin through wrinkles or sagging.
I didn’t need the sweets
We always have something delicious in the house for our grandchildren. I stood there and suddenly I didn’t need the sweets and cookies anymore. Normally I only have to think about them and I already have them in my hands. I realize that I have to give in to this new feeling and maybe I will lose a few kilos. I turned around and I went to drink a glass of water. -Carin
I have lost 1.5 kilos in the past two weeks without consciously doing it.
I am a mother of two small children so a day flies by. It feels great that I don’t have to worry about my inner craving for sweets and that I forget to snack on sweets and lose weight on my own. – Sanne
From the beginning when I put on the Feel_Good necklace, I no longer felt the need to snack or sew.
I used to always have a lot of sweets at home and I really did eat a lot. I had a stomach reduction a few years ago, but that inner urge for sugar remains. I had some headaches the first few days, but I read the tips carefully and built up the use more slowly. That got better pretty quickly. I even often stand in front of the candy cabinet and then I turn around because I don’t feel like it anyway. We now only have some goodies in the house for the grandchildren and I can stay away from that. – Carla
I am no longer constantly disappointed in myself for eating the whole bag again.
As a result, I experience less stress during the day because I know that I can control my sugar addiction. Thank you for this beautiful experience.- George